Customer testimonials
Featured testimonial
“Over the past 3-4 weeks we have been converting our ATM machines to ATM Network. At first, the task seemed insurmountable. We were in a race against time with our previous vendor, who temporarily locked us out of the data-tracking website; shut down one of our machines; removed another one of our machines from a very profitable site and replaced it with his own machine without any discussion with us; and then, it appears, starting changing system and maintenance passwords. ...
“Our initial contacts with Steve Fisher gave us not only confidence in your company, but hope to save our small business. He is diligent about returning e-mails and phone calls and communication was our lifeline. He, in turn, got Tom James involved; and I cannot tell you how helpful, kind and patient Tom has been through all of this. With Tom walking me through every step, we did a whirlwind of conversions. I made mistakes, dumped screens, etc., but thankfully became more proficient with each conversion. Although I have not met Tom ... he is one of the most decent, caring and helpful individuals I have ever communicated with.
“I don’t know how many clients give you feedback; but I wanted you to know what a fine team you have put together. ... Most of all, I don’t feel like a client; I feel like I am their friend.”
Lori Manning

From installation to ongoing support, ATM Network has outdone themselves! ... ATM Network is a company that we highly recommend.”
Lyle Mandel, Vice president, Alleygators Nightclub & Restaurant

Since installation we have watched our transactions increase daily, and we now have an option for customers that want to write a check without any identification: We just direct them to the ATM.”
Joseph Campo, South Lyndale Liquors Inc.

After a lot of research into the ATM industry, I found that ATM Network’s knowledge and experience was far superior to their competitors.”
Kim Mackenthun, President, Minnesota Grocers Association

In my 16 years as Executive Director of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association ... the one program that has stood out is our partnership with ATM Network.”
John F. Berglund, Executive director, Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association

I’ve cut my credit card fees by $500 a month. Add that to the surcharge check I’m getting for over $400 and I am up over $900 a month thanks to ATM Network!”
Jack Nelson, Locust Street Tavern, Davenport, Iowa