Customer testimonials
Featured testimonial
“Over the past 3-4 weeks we have been converting our ATM machines to ATM Network. At first, the task seemed insurmountable. We were in a race against time with our previous vendor, who temporarily locked us out of the data-tracking website; shut down one of our machines; removed another one of our machines from a very profitable site and replaced it with his own machine without any discussion with us; and then, it appears, starting changing system and maintenance passwords. ...
“Our initial contacts with Steve Fisher gave us not only confidence in your company, but hope to save our small business. He is diligent about returning e-mails and phone calls and communication was our lifeline. He, in turn, got Tom James involved; and I cannot tell you how helpful, kind and patient Tom has been through all of this. With Tom walking me through every step, we did a whirlwind of conversions. I made mistakes, dumped screens, etc., but thankfully became more proficient with each conversion. Although I have not met Tom ... he is one of the most decent, caring and helpful individuals I have ever communicated with.
“I don’t know how many clients give you feedback; but I wanted you to know what a fine team you have put together. ... Most of all, I don’t feel like a client; I feel like I am their friend.”
Lori Manning

Over the past 3-4 weeks we have been converting our ATM machines to ATM Network. At first, the task seemed insurmountable. (But) I cannot tell you how helpful, kind and patient (ATM Network service manager) Tom James has been through all of this. With Tom walking me through every step, we did a whirlwind of conversions. I made mistakes, dumped screens, etc. but thankfully became more proficient with each conversion. Although I have not met Tom ... he is one of the most decent, caring and helpful individuals I have ever communicated with.”
Lori Manning, independent OSO

I don’t know how many clients give you feedback; but I wanted you to know what a fine team you have put together. ... Most of all, I don’t feel like a client; I feel like I am their friend.”
Lori Manning, independent OSO

I first made contact with ATM Network on July 16. Our two new ATMs were installed on August 24 by a very knowledgeable technician who explained the system and who made us feel comfortable in our roles in maintaining the machines. In the first month of operation we made $1,326 in commissions, which was $249 more than we made in ATM revenue for the previous entire year. ... At the current pace, it looks like we will have amassed enough commissions to have both machines paid for before the first invoice arrives! ... It’s been a wonderful experience and I wish we had contacted ATM Network years ago. Thanks again and I look forward to many more profitable months.”
Mark Higgins, Controller, Landmark College

We have had an exceptionally strong partnership with ATM Network since 1997. With 17 ATM machines in operation today, we have come to rely on their expertise and experience in the ATM industry. It’s no surprise to me how they have developed so many strong relationships and major endorsements from organizations over the years. I would definitely recommend ATM Network to anyone considering getting an ATM machine for their business.”
Mike Jennings, Pinnacle ATM

ATM Network did a fantastic job in helping us through some issues we had with installing an ATM into a wall. Their expertise and level of service is really amazing.”
Eric Rust, Stop to Shop

I had several ATM machines with another vendor and recently changed them over to ATM Network because they have much better programs. Their staff is very dedicated and easy to work with.”
Hugh Trussel, Paytel ATM

ATM Network has really helped me build my ATM business. They have helped me find a number of great locations in Los Angeles that do very well. I highly recommend them.”
Lee Ea, Stevenson ATM